Saturday, May 9, 2009

Truth in tension versus Kumbaya... and the economy 09

9 May

I'm Just Wondering... when will we all be able to understand that the Universe is built on tension of opposing forces... it's not about Kumbaya and flowers gently floating down...

My physicis classes at the University were filled with the fundamental laws of Thermodynamics and the Forces of the Universe... and they all live in opposition to each other, but with relationship and repect can live IN the tension... matter of fact, without the strong attraction being opposed by strong repulsion at an elemental level, all matter (and that means anything that matters...) would either collape upon itself, or go flying apart...

The Framers of the United States Constitution NEVER envisioned bi-partisanshop... quite the opposite! Having two opposing discussions helps to find the political balance! Keeps us all honest and needing to entertain another idea.

The US economy has moved off the main radar screen of the media, but not the slow meltdown that the average American worker and family is experiencing... the 'econ crisis weariness' has set in, and only rosy economic news seems to be 'leaking' out...

I strongly suggest we keep an eye on a radical economic theorist... Paul Krugman... his blog is
Yes, he's a screaming liberal (admittedly), but we'd better think that maybe he has some things to say...

When I was younger, I thought like a child... that we should all hold hands and sing Kumbaya together.... now I understand that our differences and differing ideas may actually be a Gift to course-correct all of us... because all have fallen short of the Glory... especially me!

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