Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Health as a right, Health for All... USA 2009

I'm Just Wondering... when the Elephant in the Room related to Health for All in the United States will finally be dealt with.

Paul Krugman, a long-time supporter of Universal Health, posted this bit from the Politico ( contrary-to-Universal Health group) today:

Health care could soon go the way of the automobile, with users having no choice but to buy insurance coverage.
Within four years, every American could be required to own health insurance or pay their way through tax penalties. The odds of such a sea change rose last week when chief Democratic and Republican Senate negotiators on a health care bill acknowledged that many on the Finance Committee considered the so-called individual mandate essential to lower insurance costs for those who already have coverage.

President Barack Obama didn’t embrace the individual mandate during the campaign, which means he would essentially start from scratch in terms of selling the idea to voters.
The mandate was a central policy difference with Hillary Clinton, who argued that a mandate was the only way to achieve universal coverage. Obama disagreed, saying enough people would purchase insurance voluntarily if the costs could be brought down.
Progressive policy experts widely agreed that Obama’s plan would have left out about 15 million people. Clinton, with an assist from New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, regularly assailed Obama for his no-mandate position. "

Krugman added,
"Actually, I don’t care who gets credit, as long as we actually get universal health care."

Now, my bit...
Universal Health Care is the only way to have a means for the poor and marginalized in the United States to get access to Health Care. The only way. Why?? Because Health Care is a huge, huge, elephant-in-the-room FOR PROFIT industry that makes trilliions of dollars every year for it's executives, owners and share-holders... doctors (yes, the AMA is nothing but a big investment-advocate group, not a medical society), hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, bioteck, medical suppliers... there is way more profit to be had in modern US healthcare than modern banking... That's why all the health-care 'stakeholders' ran to the White House last week, hoping to shore up their vested profit interest with President Obama and his move to have a Universal Health option for the poor... why??

Because these healthcare industry people stand to loose their million dollar bonuses and cushy profit margins... ahhhhh!!!

Here is one for everyone to chew on:

If you want to be a health-care provider corp in any way (see above list) in the USA under the new healthcare reform, you MUST be non-profit, especially if the agency (or corporation) receives one dollar of public monies to function... like HHS grants, Medicare payements, etc...

Watch the Elephant in the room get up and begin to bellow like a wounded T-Rex....

Bottom line, Mr Krugman, and Mr President... any semblence of for-profit health care in the USA is a conflict of interest... and the (THE) feature of healthcare in every other Developed nation is not that they have all these open clinics, but that any agency receiving public monies MUST be non-profit... THAT's how they make care available to everyone, and keep the costs within reason...

I know that if this gets injected into the conversation, somebody is going to take a bullet...

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