Friday, May 1, 2009

Baja Mexican Officials: Old (Bad) Mexico 2009

I'm Just Wondering... when the Baja Mexican officials and Church Leaders will wake up and figure out that the Old Bad Mexico won't work anymore.

The Governor of Baja Norte, Osuna and the Baja Norte Secretary of Health, Dr Bustamonte have both repeatly denied that there is H1N1 flu confirmed in Baja Norte. The CD and World Health both have (at least 2) positive confirmed lab tests from patients in Mexicali. Osuna and Bustamonte say the lab tests are wrong, and they have run those tests in their labs and found them to be negative.


There is a very, very old Mexican authority problem. It is authority believing their power means "You will do what I say, and you will believe what I tell you, and you will not question any of it!!" Yes, it is not exclusively a Mexican problem.

However, my last 5 years of mission ministry has been dealing with this very issue in Mexican Church leadership, even when the facts are exploding in thier face.

It complicates the Latin ethic of saving face... first the facts the authority don't want to face, then their 'I am in charge her, so do what I tell you', then that all unravels... then they become more abusinve in an attempt to maintain control and save face...

This triggers my disgust for lies in Mexico. I have had to abondon working with 2 Mexican healthcare ministries in Baja because the chief (Mexican) doctor refused to admit to officials that a pastor was having sex with a nursing home resident, even when the facts were quite the opposite (like an STD) and he privately admitted it all to be true... "but I am in control, and if we remove the Pastor, the ministry will close down..."


The thing about the truth... it eventually comes out, and the liars and cover-up artists look worse than if they just admitted to the truth. "Walk in the light" hasn't quite gotten into the DNA of many in authority inside and outside of the Church... now THAT would be a great virus for everyone to catch!!

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