Thursday, October 8, 2009

What do THEY think about Christians?

I'm Just Wondering... how will we ever cure the 'them vs us' problem of those outside of faith in Christ and the Church... and those inside the box...

New book: uNChristian: What a Generation Really Thinks about Christianity, by Kinnaman and Lyons. (2009).

Research by the Barna group (good work in the past), via interviews with thousands of people late teens to early 30's (key demographic) who are agnostics, atheists, non-Christian traditions and 'unchurched' (and don't want to be).

Findings: negative opinions of 'born again' and 'evangelicals'.
Negative to the Christian 'swagger', how Christians project a (undesirable and offensive) 'sense of self-importance'.
Some report that Christians 'have bark... and bite'.
Six broad themes captured:
<>too convert-focused
<>too political

Authors make suggestions on how those professing to be Christians can move from negatively-viewed 'unChristian' positions and behaviors to being Christian (a positive).



08 October Health Insurance Reform, not Healthcare Reform

I'm Just Wondering... when the rhetoric from Washington will get it straight... all the hankering and yelling and partisan fighting is totally about health INSURANCE reform, and not healthcare reform!

I heard this on the radio when driving around in Reno, NV, some Nevada doctor who is a major public health person there... just so you know it's not my idea...

I still think requiring ANY healthcare entity... big pharm, insurance magnets, hospital and clinic systems, med equipment suppliers... that ANY company that receives ONE DOLLAR of public (writ large: govermental grant) monies MUST be NON-PROFIT... now THAT would be reform!!