Thursday, April 30, 2009

It Takes an Epidemic to Provoke Our Base Attitudes

I'm Just Wondering... how do people generally, and the Media specifically keep their racist and fear-mongering motivations under wraps in normal times??

The H1N1 Influenza Epidemic (soon to jump to full Pandemic Status officially) has done nothing but provoke two nasty sides of the human heart:

<> I'm hearing a great deal of racism towards Mexicans and Mexico for being the epicenter for the disease emergence... when the "Spanish Flu" of 1918 that killed 100 milliion people was wrongly named since it emerged in the United States (The Spanish got the distinction because they kept good data...). The virology of this virus means it could have 'jumped' anywhere to it's current form... matter of fact, the 'synchronicity' theory of viral emergence has re-surfaced to post that this H1N1 virus may have jumped to human-to-human transmisison silmultaneously in Mexico and a few other spots... there rarely is ONE jump spot...

<>I'm beginning to hear media outlets (sic: Channel 9 and 10 in San Diego) that, desperate for a 'scoop' have begun to dip into low-ball reporting and do everything they can to fear-monger and over-exagerate the H1N1 data for the day. There is some great media going on, like NBC national news and NPR radio... then there are the local bottom-feeders...

This H1N1 influenza will be significant, but in the range of a true Pandemic... just wait, we're actually due for a couple REAL nasty diseases... everybody needs to read Laurie Garrett's "The Coming Plague", which is a brilliantly-informed history of the last 100 years, and a portrait of why we are perfectly set up for a really significant, highly fatal Pandemic. This H1N1 ain't it; H5N1 may become one. My guess is the next one is brewing in the antibiotic-steriod soup that has become our US poultry industry.


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