Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sotomayer and wise Latinas

I'm Just Wondering... what will happen to the Republicans the next time there is a Supreme Court nomination...

They are 'majoring' on her 'wise Latina' comment as a HUGE part of their 'objections' to her judicial wisdom... a comment made in jest at a public dinner...

The current Republican leadership better wake up and smell the coffee, because they are about to self-inflict mortal wounds that can make them the party of extinction. Hatch and Kyle and McConnell need to write better legislation that is about people and not profit corporations, be origional in their insights and comments (and ignore the Republican play-books that we've all seen leaked), and learn to be quiet when faced with the choice of 'say something that elevates trivia to partisan politics' or simply 'defer'.

We all love and respect genuine debate and problem-identification. Hanging your argument on a public, 'off the record' quip at a dinner table shows nothing but desparation on the part of Republicans to make some point...

... and the point then becomes that the Republican party leaders have nothing relavent to say... and next time, their seats may all be vacant...

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